
I am splitting my reading time between two books – a mystery and an anti-sugar tome. I love the contrast. Each one seems to feed different parts of my brain. Following the unfolding of the elements of the mystery taps my concentration and steadfastness. It’s soothing and meditative. The dietary book piques my curiosity and raw emotion – it is unrelated to the elapsing of time. It forces me to reflect on my preconceptions and everyday actions, comparing them to the new information put forth page after page. I can absorb it a little at a time, like a snowball building up inside my food consciousness, until I am armed with to-do and not-to-do lists in that realm.
But the mystery part of my brain quietly ruminates over the plot and characters all the time. I have formed a subconscious bond with the aura and storyline of the book. There is nothing like that with the anti-sugar one. Once I put it down, it goes its separate way, as much as a book can go anywhere. It is a practical experience.

originally published on 2/1/08

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