Tag Archives: eating


I have noticed that when I cheat on my diet, I cheat again shortly thereafter. I have two theories to explain this. The nice theory and the nasty theory.
I could be feeling like, “Well, I survived this misstep okay. Who’s to say I won’t be fine if I did it again? Surviving it only proves that I am fine with it. I am more powerful than a silly milkshake, right? Maybe it’s even a step in the right direction. Who really knows? It’s good for the soul. I’ll just go ahead and have some more of that icky thing and pretend it’s only the first infraction. Every time is the first time. I am untouchable, unflinchable, indestructable. There is no cumulative effect, because I am not an organic being. I am a robotic superbeing. I just need to change my oil, buy some spare parts, polish up my brass coating. I can simply upgrade.”

Or there’s the underbelly version. “I slipped. It was inevitable. Did I really think I could exercise enough self-control to resist that? I’m a hopeless case. I may as well do it again, right? Now that I’ve started, I’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt my weakness of character. I only feel that rush of good feelings when I am validating my self-hatred. So go ahead and succumb 100%, why don’t you? Live it up. Then die it up. Who’ll really notice?”

originally published on 1/18/08

Barn Surgery

Haven’t posted for a while. Hope you’ve muddled without. I have a new diet. Eat until your stomach starts protruding, then stop. Seems easy, right? This came to me in the midst of back spasm hell. I realized that my back has to hold up my stomach at all times, not just in between meals. Somehow I thought it didn’t count at the moment of eating. The post-meal big stomach was a necessary anomaly, I figured. It is not reflective of the true state of things. But I know the truth now. And I have a 15 pound weight-loss to drive it home.
I got into breathing last night. It appears to be a good thing. Of course you can have too much of a good thing. But it’s nice to be reminded of the centrality of breathing. How many muscles does it encompass? Umpteen. Maybe all. Including the muscles of the mind. I can overfocus on it, of course. I have to remember that it is both a causative and responsive reflex action. In other words, it can both create the looseness in the body and be a result of good body focusing. I should feel at liberty to play with that. Not get stuck in one direction.

I got a crock pot. I’ve even used it.

originally published on 5/30/10


I think I know why I like to eat. It’s because I am alive. Hunger affirms aliveness. That’s the other side of the coin of desperate, void-filling overeating. It is the irrepressible joy of affirmation (or affirmation of joy), although taken a bit too far sometimes.

The desperation also comes in the form of holding on to that happy feeling for dear life. Or trying to multiply it, intensify it. I think I do that in my music, too. I push my joyfulness or sorrow or any edgy expression to its brink. And I guess it gets me into trouble there too, physically and also interpretively.

I eat overexuberantly because I am afraid the day will come when I will not feel that exuberance about living, and somehow stuffing my face will either make up for that lack later on, or delay its onset. The day may come when I do not have the inclination to eat. I will not have that absolutely wondrous feeling associated with hunger and oral fixation. So what I have to remind myself of is that I can simply enjoy the present association of hunger, eating and joie de vivre without fear of the future, or sadness over what is not delightful in my life. Maybe it’s another way of saying, simply be pleased to be alive!

On another topic, I noticed tonight that the level I must attain of muscular rest needs to be greater than the average person’s. I have to rest as vigorously as I work. This refers specifically to cello-playing muscles. It could also apply to anyone’s focal points of physical exertion.

originally published on 7/5/09